Pay Your Invoice Now Online

All major credit cards are accepted.

To pay your invoice on-line using the PayPal service (Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, and PayPal are accepted), click the PayPal buy now link.

What happens when you click?

Clicking the button will take you to the PayPal website, where you can enter the amount of the invoice, provide your credit card information, and submit the payment. The site is secure, which means that you will see a visual indication that you are on a secure page. This indication varies from one browser to another. For detailed instructions CLICK HERE

You have two options: Pay with a major credit card or pay by using your PayPal account. The PayPal option is shown first on the payment page and the option to use a major credit card is lower on the page.

To use your credit card
  • Scroll down to Create a PayPal account and pay with your debit or credit card.
  • Click the Continue button.
  • Fill in all the required information as indicated by an orange asterisk (*).
  • Click the Continue button.
To use your PayPal account
  • Type the e-mail address you use for PayPal in the Email field.
  • Type your PayPal password in the Password field.
  • Click Log in.
  • Confirm that the details of the payment are correct, then click the Pay button.